
Once More Unto the Breach, Dear Friends

Once more unto the breach, dear friends You are sure to have recognised this quote from Shakespeare’s Henry the Fifth, but are you pondering its significance for IT support? In the play, the English king is encouraging his troops to

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Windows 10: so long and thanks for all the fish

Do you remember Windows XP?  You probably thought it would last forever but Microsoft called *time* on this operating system in April 2014.  Apparently, there are still some tenacious XP users out there (including in governmental departments) but the majority

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20 years: where has the time gone?

Do you remember what you were doing 20 years ago? Computer Troubleshooters Tonbridge remembers it clearly as it is all recorded in the business section of a local newspaper: the launch of our onsite IT support service was announced! The

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Have you been quished?

Did you ever wonder why scandals get the suffix “-gate” in the media?  You know, issues like queuegate – Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby getting to the front at Queen Elizabeth’s lying-in-state – or Kategate – the 2024 Mother’s Day

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